Taking the gospel to students, immigrants, and refugees | September newsletter

Summer Sabbatical

Zack and I (Naomi) were blessed to take a sabbatical this summer. It was a much needed break from the weight of the internal strife within Cru this past year. (See our June update) I took the time to read a book written by our founder, Bill Bright, shortly before his death called My Life is Not My Own: Following God No Matter the Cost. Dr. Bright shares his testimony about how he surrendered his life to Jesus, and the adventure and blessing that followed. He also challenges the reader of the book to surrender his/her life to Christ as well.

For me (Naomi), reading this book was a reminder of why I joined staff with Cru and a renewal of my decision to surrender my life to Christ. Jesus has shown me that I need to surrender the small, daily, mothering decisions and actions, as well as the large life choices up to Him. He honors a surrendered life!

The highlight of my Sabbatical was taking a trip to Oregon by myself! I stayed with two of my Bridesmaids and visited with several close friends from my time on Cru staff at Oregon State (back in my single days). The Oregon coast is so incredibly beautiful, and every friend deeply encouraged and renewed my heart. 

On the flight back, being in a posture of living a surrendered life, I told God that I was available to talk to someone seated next to me. And He gave me an opportunity! I sat next to a CSU student named Destiny. Since I graduated from Colorado State, it was easy to make connections with her. And as the Lord opened the door to discuss spiritual things, He prompted me to share a part of my testimony that I don’t typically share. It turns out that she had a similar experience, but it had led to her walking away from the faith. I was able to speak some truth to her. Destiny is very open spiritually but not sure what she believes now.

During my (Zack’s) Sabbatical, I dove into a book club to work through Live Not By Lies and Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth. Both of these books have been helpful at discerning through the issues going on in the broader culture and within Cru.

Immigrants and Refugees

Since launching EveryInternational.com in 2018, the site has been viewed 134,034 times in 136 countries. 2,293 people have registered to use our free training and have completed 5,188 lessons! I (Zack) am now editing a new batch of training videos about bringing the gospel to immigrants and refugees (a relevant topic in light of Afghanistan’s collapse).

My team and I filmed ten new lessons, including “Three Stages of an Immigrant’s Experience,” “Using ESL Classes,” and “Reaching African Immigrants.”

In one of the videos, Emmanuel, an Intervarsity staff member from Cameroon, shared his vision: “As an African proverb teaches us that a small house can hold hundreds of friends, my prayer is that God will give the ability to host hundreds of African immigrants in our hearts.”

Zack and I signed up to help with some refugees from Afghanistan through our church. Even as Zack is editing the lessons, we are excited to put the material into practice.


Annalei has started driving lessons. Our other kids are glad cooler Fall temperatures are here in Central Texas.

Praise Reports

  • Wonderful, spiritually refreshing Sabbatical.
  • Naomi’s divine appointment with a CSU student.
  • EveryInternational is training thousands of volunteers who want to reach the nations.

Prayer Requests

  • We would daily surrender our big and small choices to God and live fully surrendered lives
  • God would continue to pursue Destiny and work mightily in her life.
  • Zack would be led by the Spirit as he edits the new videos for EveryInternational.
  • Many new immigrants and refugees would be reached by Christians utilizing the new EveryInternational training.