Four Laws of Storytelling

Storytelling is God’s idea. He gave us the good gift of imagination and the ability to tell stories of our own. And just as physical laws govern the universe, there are laws that determine whether our storytelling is effective. The following videos are the webinars I gave to our Cru creative media team about these principles.

Law #1 – Tell stories for the glory of God

Why create stories?

Why the glory of God?

Why do people consume stories?

Law #2 – Tell stories as an act of love

Make stories that people already want

Make stories that your “Timothy” wants

Make stories that love everyone involved

Law #3 – Tell stories full of creativity and order

Basic structure: change through conflict

Six types of conflict

Outlining with the Snowflake Method

Law #4 – Tell stories with honesty and courage

Honest characters

Truthful stories

Courageous storytellers