A Home Away From Home

Welcoming New Students

At 200+ university campuses across the country, staff and volunteers with Bridges International are welcoming new international students to the United States. Of the 1 million who come to our country, over half come from countries where Christianity has very little presence, and where conversion is often illegal.

As the 2016-2017 school year begins for these students, our first goal in Bridges is to help create a “home away from home” for them. We want to create a community that feels like a family to point them to God’s love. Bridges movements first make contact with students through events like a Welcome Party (above) or a university-sponsored Info Fair (below).

A Bridges staff and student leader are pictured here at an Info Fair table, where they tell new internationals about the purpose and activities of our ministry. Seen on the screen is a video that I (Zack) produced, which promotes a Bridges city tour. It’s here that students sign up for our social events as well as our spiritual gatherings like Bible Study and prayer groups.

God is Moving: Two Snapshots

At the University of Houston, Bridges staff discovered 80 new students that indicated some level of spiritual interest! There were also 10 Christian students who said they want to be involved in a fellowship. For the 7 student leaders, pray God will work through them as they initiate friendships and spiritual conversations with the 80 interested students.

At the University of Kansas (above), students gathered for a “Social Media Party” where they swapped info and connected with each other online. The KU Bridges team has been reaching out to Christian students (both International and American) to join them as “Ambassadors”…to grow in their walk with the Lord and share their faith with others. They have met 30 Christians, several of whom have great hearts and are ready to be a part of the movement. Pray that these folks become faithful co-laborers with Bridges.

Paxton Josiah

There have been so many answers to prayer surrounding our new little man! I (Naomi) was able to have a drug-free VBAC. We went into the hospital at 11:30pm and I prayed for a miracle, that Paxton would be born before 7am. He arrived just in time at 6:57am!
Our family passed around a horrible sore throat and fever virus for the first 6 weeks of Paxton’s life. We prayed that he would not get it, and praise God, he stayed healthy!

I fervently prayed that Paxton would be an easy baby, and that he would start to sleep for 6 hours a night at 6 weeks old. Praise God, he is a super easy, happy baby and is currently sleeping between 6-8 hours every night.


Bridges in Denver is having a Lamb Roast this week for Middle Eastern students, who will learn about Jesus as the Lamb of God. Bridges groups in OrlandoSan JoseAustin and many other cities will be going to their local Fall Retreats in early October. Students will be challenged to prioritize Jesus amidst all the other pressures of college life.

Praise Reports

•Bridges in Charlottehad a Bollywood dance party to connect with many new South Asian students at UNCC.

•Four East Asian nationals are now on the Boston team.

Prayer Requests

•Divine connections as we invite new people to join our ministry partnership team.

•Endurance for Bridges field staff in a busy time of year.

•Our adjustment to handling life with 4 kids.

Announcing the newest Russell family member!

We are so happy to announce the birth of our son, Paxton Josiah Russell. He was born on Sunday, July 17th at 6:57am. He weighed in at 8lbs 3oz and measured 21″ long. We brought him home on Tuesday.

Oh Boy, Oh Boy!

Thank you so much for your prayers for Paxton’s birth. God answered them, and I (Naomi) was able to have another all natural VBAC! I’m very thankful too that Miah and Annalei prayed every night that Paxton would not be a C-section. Miah was especially motivated to pray for her brother because she was in the NICU for 9 days after my C-section with her, and she didn’t want him to go through that separation from me.

This was my quickest and easiest labor, delivery, and recovery (another answer to prayer). I had been having mild contractions for several days, but at 5pm on Saturday they started to get more painful and consistent. So we went into the hospital at 11:30pm. If I were on the same labor schedule as Cassia, then Paxton would have been born at 5pm on Sunday. But shortly after I was admitted to the labor and delivery room, I prayed a prayer that I didn’t even fully have the faith to believe: that Paxton would be born before 7am. With Annalei and Cassia, I had needed pitocin because of a 5cm stall. But with Paxton, my body just progressed naturally and quickly…no 5cm stall. God answered my specific prayer, and Paxton was born at 6:57am.

Russell, Party of Six

Paxton’s three big sisters are so happy to have him in our family. Annalei (9) loves to hold him while standing and singing to him. “I like it when he makes little noises.” Miah (6) loves to cuddle next to him and watch his every facial expression. “Babies are so cute!” Cassia (2) provides our running commentary on Paxton: “Baby crying!” She also loves to yell, “Hold baby!” for her turn to sit next to him. They all love to spend time with him.

We went through such an ordeal with Cassia having jaundice after her birth, that Zack was motivated to pray that Paxton would have none. God answered Zack’s prayer, and he did not have jaundice. Two doctors, after examining Paxton, said he was “perfect”. We praise God for a healthy baby! We would appreciate your continued prayers for Paxton’s growth and health. Miah currently has a fever and sore throat (thankfully not strep). Please pray that Paxton would not get this. Fevers are extremely dangerous for newborns.

Thank you for your support of our family and ministry. We are so thankful God has blessed us with this new child and can’t wait for all the stories God will tell through Paxton’s life.

Is Christian Faith Reasonable?

Baby Coming Soon!

I (Naomi) am 37 1/2 weeks pregnant now and busy preparing for the arrival of baby #4, due July 22nd. With all my pregnancies, back pain in the third trimester has been a huge problem for me. But with this pregnancy, I have had the least amount of pain thanks to a new chiropractor. She really is an answer to prayer.

We praise God that I was able to have a successful, all natural VBAC with Cassia. My recovery was so quick and easy after a natural childbirth. I would like to do the same with baby #4 as well. My doctor said the risk of uterine rupture with this baby is exactly the same, even though I have had one successful VBAC. Please join us in praying for a successful, natural delivery. Please also pray that it would be quick. My labor with Annalei was 31 hours and my labor with Cassia was 24 hours.
I would also appreciate prayers for a peaceful, easy baby. Cassia was my most difficult baby. We had 6 months of colic and 15 months of bad sleep. I would really love to not repeat that.

BUILDing up Our Co-Laborers

Thank you so much for your prayers for the BUILD conference in Vancouver. Our family had a rough time getting there. Zack and Miah had to fly separately because Miah was throwing up continually the day we were supposed to travel. But once we were all there together, we had a great time as a family. We were even blessed that my (Naomi’s) mom was able to join us and work childcare for the conference!  I would say that overall, the BUILD conference was a very encouraging and restful time for our family as well as the Bridges staff family.

Zack used BUILD to train several other Bridges staff in conference production. As usual with training someone, there were a few hiccups, but on the whole the production team for the conference did an incredible job. I am very excited that there are other Bridges staff joining Zack in conference production. For so many years, he has carried too much of the burden of production at our Bridges events.
You can watch the main messages from our keynote speaker, Jim Coffield, here:

Christian Faith is Reasonable

As part of my continuing education with Cru, I (Zack) took a seminary-level class this summer on Apologetics. We analyzed arguments for (and against) the existence of God, the reliability of the Bible, the Resurrection of Jesus, and many other topics. My final assignment was to take what I learned and write an article geared towards the objections that a typical Chinese student has to Christian faith. You can read it here. Please feel free to copy/paste anything you find helpful into a discussion with your friends. I want to be a resource for your own ministry efforts!


We are looking forward to the arrival of baby #4 who is due on July 22.

Praise Reports

•The BUILD conference went really well, and was a robust forum for all of our Bridges staff to engage with our mission and each other.

•Zack was able to effectively train several other Bridges staff in conference production at BUILD.

•Zack was very encouraged and equipped by his Apologetics class this summer.

Prayer Requests

•Naomi could have a quick and all-natural VBAC.

•Baby #4 would be a peaceful and easy baby.

•Cassia would adjust well to having a baby in the house (and sharing her room!)

Three Ways that Christian Faith is Reasonable

Dear student from China,

I’m so glad to have you in my country! I hope that you can find some opportunities to experience American culture and have fun outside of your classroom and laboratory. Let me know if you need help connecting with an American friend at your campus. I work for Bridges International, which is a Christian ministry to all international students. Our mission is to serve international students to help them adjust to life in the U.S., to promote social connections between fellow students and with local Americans, and to offer spiritual resources and discussions. We want to see you become an international leader!

During your time in the United States, whether you’re here for a brief exchange program, or for a number of years as you pursue one or more college degrees, you will notice something that must seem peculiar: Americans are very religious. You might have heard this from your English teacher in your home country. Your parents may have informed you or even warned you about this. Maybe you saw a religious character in an American movie or television show – in which case it’s likely you saw a caricature of a Christian. Or maybe as you’ve grown accustomed to your campus and city, you’ve observed how many churches there are. You might be wondering to yourself, “How can Americans be so educated and yet so superstitious?” Belief in God, or at least the God of the Bible, probably seems like a weird idea to you. Why would anyone dedicate their time, money, and – most of all – their mind to an invisible person in the sky? In short, is it reasonable to believe in the God of the Bible?

I would like to answer this question by exploring three areas that are accessible to both you and I: Cosmology, Physics and Biology. You may even be here in the U.S. to study one of these areas. Now, I will be the first to admit I am not an expert in any of these fields. But what I can say is that, from what I can understand, I find these words from the Bible to be true: “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made” (Romans 1:20). There’s lots of evidence for God as we study the world around us. To set the right expectations: nobody can offer concrete, 100% proof that God exists (or doesn’t exist), but I hope that by analyzing some interesting facts from these three areas, you will agree with me that it is more reasonable than not to believe in and follow God.

• COSMOLOGY – “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” (Psalm 19:1) •

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered, where did all of these stars and galaxies come from? Why is there something rather than nothing? If you’ve done any studying about the universe, you’ve learned that it is expanding. This discovery dates back 80 years ago to a scientist named Edwin Hubble. By studying the red shift in light from other galaxies, he was able to determine that galaxies are all moving away from each other, like how a balloon inflates. Since then, we have known that the Universe had a sudden beginning – what many call the Big Bang. What you may not know is that before this discovery, the prevailing wisdom of the world was that the universe was static, neither expanding nor contracting. This “steady state” theory fed into a larger, philosophical idea that existed for millennia, that the physical universe is all there is, and it is eternal. Now we know that the universe is finite, and that at a single point in space and time it came into existence.

The implications here are vast. But let’s first agree on a few things, shall we? Something cannot come out of nothing. Otherwise, this would violate the First Law of Thermodynamics, namely that matter and energy cannot be (naturalistically) created nor destroyed. It is beyond the capability of physical matter to “will” itself into existence. Secondly, every effect must have a cause. Every event in history happens because of a prior event. An avalanche doesn’t happen because the snow suddenly decides to go for a slide. Either a natural cause (such as an earthquake) or a human cause (such as an explosion) would have to be the culprit. Likewise, as we study the stars and galaxies, we observe this basic reality of cause and effect, one event happens after another.

But here’s the catch: cause and effect can only exist within time, and must involve physical matter. As we looked at before, we know that all the physical matter of the universe, indeed all of space and time, originated from a single point. Before this point, there was neither space, nor matter, nor time. That would mean that the ultimate First Cause of the universe would be something non-physical and eternal. Since this could not be a natural thing, it would have to be something with a will, with a mind. It would have to be a Person. In the Bible, it says of God, “The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain You.” (1 Kings 8:27).

Now, many have studied this and theorized that perhaps the universe expands and contracts on a regular rhythm. However, any astronomer will tell you that the expansion of galaxies is accelerating, and that there is simply not enough gravity to bring everything back into a Big Crunch. Secondly, others have theorized that maybe our universe is simply one of many inside a multiverse. Well, that’s interesting and all, but there’s absolutely no evidence for it, as any cosmologist will tell you.

Does this prove that there is a Creator God to the universe? No, but hopefully it should seem at least a reasonable to you that God is the First Cause.

• PHYSICS – “In Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17) •

Besides studying the origin of all things, I’d like for you to consider the fine-tuning of all things. Let’s consider something extremely small, the force that binds every atom together – the Weak Atomic Force. If you somehow had the ability to change this physical constant, you would have a margin of error of only 1 in 10^100, or:

0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 otherwise all matter would not be able to stay bound together. What is the explanation for how precise this physical force is? Perhaps you would say that it is mere chance. Let’s examine that. In the entirety of the cosmos, it is estimated that there are 10^80 atoms that make up all the galaxies and planets, or:

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms. Although a huge number, it is insignificant compared to the Weak Atomic Force. Here’s how to put it in perspective.

Let’s say that out of all these atoms, out of every galaxy, you and I each got to choose only one. There’s no way that you and I would pick the same one, right? Well, the ridiculously improbable odds that we would pick the same atom are greater than the Atomic Force being the “right” number by chance. Specifically, the odds of us choosing the same atom, out of the entire universe, have a greater chance of happening by 1 in 10^20 or one in a billion billion thousand. If our little game seems improbable to you, then the universe being an accident should seem completely impossible to you!

So as we’ve seen, purely natural forces cannot account for the beginning or the universe, nor can chance explain the existence of all matter. That means that there must be a supernatural reason, a Creator. But maybe you need one more line of evidence.

• BIOLOGY – “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) •

Suppose that you are lost and wandering through a rocky desert. You are all alone, and you’ve run out of food and water. The sun overhead has burned your skin, and you barely have enough moisture in your body to sweat anymore. You’re exhausted, and in danger of expiring. What would you look for? An oasis, or really any amount of water, to be sure. But let’s say during your search you see three parallel lines carved into the rock. Curious, you go in for a closer look. Maybe somebody carved those lines, or maybe it was just the wind or the rain. But as you come up to the lines, you see that they aren’t just shapes, but they appear to be letters. And they aren’t in some random order, but they’re a clear, intelligent message:




You know, from instinct, that an intelligent message cannot arrange itself by chance. It would have to come from intelligence – from another person. But you wouldn’t even stop to think about this, you would simply follow the arrows and save your life!

Let’s stop and think about this: it only takes three “lines of code” in a desert to convince you that someone else is out there. Do you know that a simple iPhone game requires several hundred lines of code? The NASA Space Shuttle uses about four thousand lines of code. Newer, more sophisticated aircraft like drones utilize three million lines. Microsoft Office, thirty million. Facebook, sixty million. The computer inside a luxury vehicle, 100 million. All of Google’s internet services, two billion.

The human genome, by comparison, consists of 3.3 billion “lines” of code.

Now, I can’t prove to you that the human DNA sequence was all arranged by a supernatural Intelligent Being. But can you prove to me that it all came together by chance? Could an iPhone game, airplane or computer company happen on its own? Could those three lines in the desert have arranged themselves by accident? Doesn’t intelligence come from intelligence? Hopefully you can see, it is a rational conclusion that human beings, and all of life, were in fact designed by an intelligent Creator.

• CONCLUSION – “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28) •

Each of these quotes I have provided are from one source, the Holy Bible. It is the most-printed and most-translated book in all of history. As such, it is a book for all people in all times. I would be in error if all I did was try to persuade you that you and I have a Creator. If you’re willing, I want to take you further to show you what this Creator has said to us. His words are contained in this book, the Bible. And one of my favorite passages is so relevant to you, my international friend! Check it out: “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.” (Acts 17:26-27).

There is a God who has made not only the universe, not only our planet, and not only humanity, but every nation, culture, and individual. And this God wants to know you personally. Do you want to know Him? If so, I would love to tell you how you can.

“Because of Big Break…”

This morning we received a letter from Rachel, a Cru student who attended the Big Break conference back in March. It was so encouraging that we just had to pass it along to you. So pull up a chair next to us and check out what God has been doing in Rachel’s life:

Hello Big Break Team,

My name is Rachel, I attended Big Break for the first time this spring I wanted to let you know how God has been at work. I went to Big Break because I wanted to learn how to be a faithful witness to Christ. I had not anticipated how the Lord would use the training to change my life. Before I left the conference I felt God was leading me to share the training with a group of ministry friends who work with teens and children. We meet up every couple months for a Bible study. I texted a few people and they were excited about learning how to start spiritual conversations and share the gospel. A couple weeks later I was able to share what I had learned: the survey, the KGP and the issue of both fear and our calling to evangelize, to a group of young adults. A month later four of us went to the mall in the evening and talked to twenty people in two hours using the survey and KGP. During that time we saw many seeds planted and two young girls pray to accept Christ as their Savior. For two of our group this was the first time they had shared their faith and they told me they plan to go back to the mall over the summer to keep it up. (I live three hours away, so I won’t be able to go with them often)

Because of Big Break I’ve been equipped to start spiritual conversations with my friends and coworkers, have the desire and drive to go out and keep having spiritual conversations with strangers, and have been able to share what I’ve learned with other Christians who have likewise gone out to share their faith. All things I would never have anticipated happening a year ago. God is using CRU and this conference to change the lives of Christians and non Christians all over the US. It’s been incredible to see Him glorified over and over.

I wanted to thank you for all that each of you do. I know a lot goes into a conference, there are a lot of people who put a lot work in. God is using you to change lives. I continue to pray for the ministry of CRU and the people involved.


Thank you for being a part of our team so that we can minister to students like Rachel, through conferences like Big Break. It is truly a privilege to have a front row seat – with you! – to see how God is transforming college students into Christ-centered laborers.

Four Hundred Sixty Nine

469. Kind of a random number, but a really encouraging one. I ran across this number recently when looking for something else. It’s a statistic – the number of times people have listened to a particular audio recording from a particular Bridges conference. The seminar is entitled, “Does the Christian Gospel Make Sense?” and was presented by my coworker, Kurt. Another coworker, Katie, videotaped Kurt’s talk, then later I edited the recording and put it online.

Months went by. A year. Every now and then, someone would find Kurt’s talk and check it out. But not many. Par for the course.

Then suddenly, for some reason, over the past three months, it really got picked up. From Macon, GA to Allston, MA to Los Angeles to Amsterdam to London to Bandung, Indonesia…this talk was reaching many new sets of ears, in places I’ve never been. Some of these places I’ve never heard of.

The strange and cool thing is that we have done absolutely nothing to promote this seminar during that time. We just made it available on one of our Bridges websites, and somehow, all 469 of these people found it. There’s probably some driving force behind some of this, and I’d love to know what, exactly. But it’s so great to see that all this time later, the work that Kurt and Katie and I did is still bearing fruit – quite literally all over the world.

I encourage you to drop in on Kurt’s presentation (audio or video) – it really is an engaging message. We’ve also got many other fantastic talks you can watch or listento and share with others.

But most of all, I want to encourage you that your partnership with our ministry is making a difference. Together, we are bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to many people, and in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Thank you for partnering with us.

Quick report from our BUILD conference

Thank you for your partnership and prayers as we flew to Vancouver for BUILD – our conference for all Bridges staff from around the country. Our family was reunited on Sunday night and we had good quality time throughout the week. We all stayed healthy throughout the conference, and made it home as planned late last night.

BUILD covered a lot of great topics in-depth dealing with ministry to international students:

  • How can we be a home away from home?
  • How do we proclaim Christ early and often, in light of cultural barriers?
  • What prevents us from taking risks in our ministry, and how do we push the boundaries?
  • How can we give away leadership to students and volunteers?

With each conference session, there were several opportunities for rigorous round-table discussion. I’m still trying to digest quite a bit that we covered. Honestly my brain is still kind of full of technical production details!

What keeps running through my mind were the words of Dr. Jim Coffield, one of our guest speakers: “If you’re going to make it through the difficult seasons of ministry, you can’t just love the idea of Jesus. ‘Professional Christianity’ won’t get you through this. It has to be personal.” I can never be reminded enough of the importance of walking closely with my Savior! May we all draw closer to him this week.

God’s Mighty Work at Big Break

Spring Break Has New Meaning

Big Break was a wonderful and tiring experience for our family. Zack and I both worked really hard, but we were blessed the gorgeous view from our condo (pictured above).
Big Break was a national evangelism training conference, with about 2,500 people attending during the three weeks we were there. In total, there were 8,120 spiritual conversations (like the one pictured below), 3,858 gospel presentations, and 504 people who accepted Christ!
Every night after a day of outreach, there was a sharing time. Students got up and told story after story of taking steps of faith for Christ (even though they were scared), God leading them to Divine appointments, and people’s hearts opening to the love of Christ. Behind every single number listed above there is an incredible story. These stories had a huge, positive impact on Annalei and Miah. We would pray for Cru students in the afternoons, and then hear about people coming to Christ in the evenings. Both Annalei and Miah are much more excited to share their faith now.

Even though this was not a Bridges event, we were happy to see international students attend. A Chinese international student named “Darlene” got up in front of everyone at the conference and shared about how she had come to Christ the night before!
We also loved Byron’s story. He is a college student from Arkansas. Last year, he came to Panama City Beach to party. He “ran into the Cru Brotherhood” and got saved during an afternoon outreach. This year, he attended Big Break and learned how to share his faith!

Nine New Campuses!

Thanks so much for your prayers for my Bridges Seminar. For all three weeks that I put it on, it went really well. I had about 25 interested students (or staff) attend each week.
Bridges is not on nearly as many campuses as Cru is, so I was the most excited to find interested students where we currently have no ministry to internationals. As a result of my seminar, there is now the possibility of Bridges starting on nine new campuses!

Digital Outreach

Sharing with strangers takes a big step of faith, but for some it is even harder to share with loved ones. At Big Break, the students had an afternoon of “digital outreach.” They were challenged to share a powerful short film called “Falling Plates” with friends or family.

One gal talked about how she had grown up without a lot of contact with her father. She shared the film with him and was able to lead him to Christ! Another guy shared about how showing the film to a friend, who then in turn showed it to her uncle, ended up stopping the uncle from committing suicide that night!!

Please check out fallingplates.com and feel free to use this film to initiate spiritual conversations with friends or family. And please let us know if you do! We would love to pray for you and your loved ones.

Oh, Canada!

We head to Vancouver, BC on Saturday for our Bridges staff conference. It is designed to encourage and refresh our staff. Zack has quite a bit of work before we leave. Please pray for extra strength and health for him. Our family has battled a lot of sickness lately.


We will be at the BUILD, our Bridges national staff conference that exists to encourage us and develop us as we pursue our mission of pointing international students to Jesus. The conference is in Vancouver, Canada from 4/9-15. The theme of the conference is “Sent Ones.”

Praise Reports

•504 new Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

•Big Break attendees took amazing steps of faith

•My Bridges seminar went really well!

•Cassia slept very well in the new environment

Prayer Requests

•504 new believers to grow in their faith

•The Big Break students to continue to share their faith

•Students from the 9 new campuses would indeed launch Bridges movements

•Good health and safe travels for our family

•God’s protection over the BUILD production team

•BUILD would be an encouraging, restful time for us and for all Bridges staff

Praises and more prayer needed

Last week was a busy week here at Big Break. It was our largest week with over 1,000 students in attendance. We saw God work in incredible ways.
The students initiated 2,638 spiritual conversations
They presented the gospel to 1,324 people
They saw 206 people pray to receive Christ!

After a day of outreach, students got up and shared their stories of what happened at they went out. It was so incredibly encouraging to hear about the steps of faith they took!! It was also a great example to my girls to hear story after story of people coming to Christ. If you would like to listen in yourself for some spiritual encouragement, you can go to the live stream on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings at 7pm central. http://big-break.com/live/

Thank you for your prayers again for my seminar (pictured above). I got to connect with and encourage a group of students who were just starting up Bridges on their campus SUNY University at Buffalo. Also, students from four campuses where there is no Bridges movement attended my seminar! I’m excited to see what the Lord will do through them.

This upcoming week is our smallest group, just because not as many colleges have Spring break this week. There are about 500 students here. But we are still very much in need of your prayers!!

Prayer Requests for this week:
-Spiritual protection over the conference, specifically the tech equipment (there were some major problems right before the opening session tonight)
-Energy and strength for the program team (Zack especially), as we are tired!
-Boldness for the students as they take steps of faith to go out sharing the gospel
-Many more would come to Christ this week
-God would empower the students who attended my seminar to start Bridges on their campuses
-My seminar this week Wednesday at 9AM would be well attended and go smoothly
-Special Request for Miah: She had a MAJOR fall on her face yesterday. Her bottom lip is totally cut up and very swollen. She knocked 2 teeth loose, and bruised her upper gums very badly. Thankfully, they are baby teeth, but we will take her in to the dentist when we return. Please pray that all would be well with her teeth and that she would heal quickly.

Beach Evangelism

Big Break

We are blessed with an opportunity to serve the American campus ministry next month at Big Break. This is a Spring Break conference put on by Cru, where 3,000 American students will learn how to share their faith, and tens of thousands more will be hearing the gospel on the shores of Panama City Beach, Florida. Zack was invited to join the production team. He is often sought after by other departments in Cru for his skills. We will be there March 4-27.

The Big Break conference team will be sending out emails with a list of names of people who accept Christ on a daily basis (potentially 100 names per day). We would love to have people praying for these new believers!

I (Naomi) will be giving a Bridges recruiting seminar during Big Break. I will be talking to American college students about reaching out to international students. Please pray that all would go well and that God would use it to raise up more laborers to reach the nations that are here with us now.

Our biggest concern with family travel is Cassia. When we were displaced from our home due to the ozone disaster, Cassia did not sleep though the night. The continual change of environment was very difficult on her. Lately, though, she is doing well with her routine here at home. Please pray that she would do well in Florida, too.

The Fourth Will Be With Us

We are very excited for the birth of our fourth child. So far, the baby is looking healthy. I (Naomi) had a talk with my doctor about the Zika virus. They expect it to come to Texas this summer. I know that the link between Zika and microcephaly has not been fully proven, but it is enough to cause concern. Please pray that our baby would continue to grow and development normally.


We will be at the Big Break conference in Panama City Beach, FL from 3/4 to 3/27.


•Changed lives at Vision! 18 students put their faith in Christ, and 186 pledged to God to “go, say, do and give” according to His will.
•God has blessed us with a fourth child!


•Baby #4 would be healthy
•Safe travels to/from Florida
•God’s protection over the production team/equipment for Big Break
•New laborers to reach international students would be raised up from the Bridges seminar that Naomi will give
•Cassia would travel/sleep well and adjust to the new environment in Florida