God’s Mighty Work at Big Break

Spring Break Has New Meaning

Big Break was a wonderful and tiring experience for our family. Zack and I both worked really hard, but we were blessed the gorgeous view from our condo (pictured above).
Big Break was a national evangelism training conference, with about 2,500 people attending during the three weeks we were there. In total, there were 8,120 spiritual conversations (like the one pictured below), 3,858 gospel presentations, and 504 people who accepted Christ!
Every night after a day of outreach, there was a sharing time. Students got up and told story after story of taking steps of faith for Christ (even though they were scared), God leading them to Divine appointments, and people’s hearts opening to the love of Christ. Behind every single number listed above there is an incredible story. These stories had a huge, positive impact on Annalei and Miah. We would pray for Cru students in the afternoons, and then hear about people coming to Christ in the evenings. Both Annalei and Miah are much more excited to share their faith now.

Even though this was not a Bridges event, we were happy to see international students attend. A Chinese international student named “Darlene” got up in front of everyone at the conference and shared about how she had come to Christ the night before!
We also loved Byron’s story. He is a college student from Arkansas. Last year, he came to Panama City Beach to party. He “ran into the Cru Brotherhood” and got saved during an afternoon outreach. This year, he attended Big Break and learned how to share his faith!

Nine New Campuses!

Thanks so much for your prayers for my Bridges Seminar. For all three weeks that I put it on, it went really well. I had about 25 interested students (or staff) attend each week.
Bridges is not on nearly as many campuses as Cru is, so I was the most excited to find interested students where we currently have no ministry to internationals. As a result of my seminar, there is now the possibility of Bridges starting on nine new campuses!

Digital Outreach

Sharing with strangers takes a big step of faith, but for some it is even harder to share with loved ones. At Big Break, the students had an afternoon of “digital outreach.” They were challenged to share a powerful short film called “Falling Plates” with friends or family.

One gal talked about how she had grown up without a lot of contact with her father. She shared the film with him and was able to lead him to Christ! Another guy shared about how showing the film to a friend, who then in turn showed it to her uncle, ended up stopping the uncle from committing suicide that night!!

Please check out fallingplates.com and feel free to use this film to initiate spiritual conversations with friends or family. And please let us know if you do! We would love to pray for you and your loved ones.

Oh, Canada!

We head to Vancouver, BC on Saturday for our Bridges staff conference. It is designed to encourage and refresh our staff. Zack has quite a bit of work before we leave. Please pray for extra strength and health for him. Our family has battled a lot of sickness lately.


We will be at the BUILD, our Bridges national staff conference that exists to encourage us and develop us as we pursue our mission of pointing international students to Jesus. The conference is in Vancouver, Canada from 4/9-15. The theme of the conference is “Sent Ones.”

Praise Reports

•504 new Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

•Big Break attendees took amazing steps of faith

•My Bridges seminar went really well!

•Cassia slept very well in the new environment

Prayer Requests

•504 new believers to grow in their faith

•The Big Break students to continue to share their faith

•Students from the 9 new campuses would indeed launch Bridges movements

•Good health and safe travels for our family

•God’s protection over the BUILD production team

•BUILD would be an encouraging, restful time for us and for all Bridges staff

Beach Evangelism

Big Break

We are blessed with an opportunity to serve the American campus ministry next month at Big Break. This is a Spring Break conference put on by Cru, where 3,000 American students will learn how to share their faith, and tens of thousands more will be hearing the gospel on the shores of Panama City Beach, Florida. Zack was invited to join the production team. He is often sought after by other departments in Cru for his skills. We will be there March 4-27.

The Big Break conference team will be sending out emails with a list of names of people who accept Christ on a daily basis (potentially 100 names per day). We would love to have people praying for these new believers!

I (Naomi) will be giving a Bridges recruiting seminar during Big Break. I will be talking to American college students about reaching out to international students. Please pray that all would go well and that God would use it to raise up more laborers to reach the nations that are here with us now.

Our biggest concern with family travel is Cassia. When we were displaced from our home due to the ozone disaster, Cassia did not sleep though the night. The continual change of environment was very difficult on her. Lately, though, she is doing well with her routine here at home. Please pray that she would do well in Florida, too.

The Fourth Will Be With Us

We are very excited for the birth of our fourth child. So far, the baby is looking healthy. I (Naomi) had a talk with my doctor about the Zika virus. They expect it to come to Texas this summer. I know that the link between Zika and microcephaly has not been fully proven, but it is enough to cause concern. Please pray that our baby would continue to grow and development normally.


We will be at the Big Break conference in Panama City Beach, FL from 3/4 to 3/27.


•Changed lives at Vision! 18 students put their faith in Christ, and 186 pledged to God to “go, say, do and give” according to His will.
•God has blessed us with a fourth child!


•Baby #4 would be healthy
•Safe travels to/from Florida
•God’s protection over the production team/equipment for Big Break
•New laborers to reach international students would be raised up from the Bridges seminar that Naomi will give
•Cassia would travel/sleep well and adjust to the new environment in Florida

Vision 2015 Conference Report

Does That Count?

I (Naomi) was greeted first thing by Iris telling me that she had been in a deep gospel discussion until 11:30pm. She felt a bit overwhelmed by all the info. So she had taken some time to go out to coffee with some other friends and think. Iris got back to her room, and at about 2AM, she told me, “I don’t know why. I just started to say the words to the prayer in the Knowing God Personally (KGP) booklet.” Then she looked at me innocently and said, “Does that count?” I, of course, assured her that it did count and joyfully welcomed her into the family of God with a hug!

Pictured: Emily (L) and Iris (R)

Vision Conference

I am so thankful we had the Vision conference here in Austin this year (December 28 – January 1). Iris and I met in the Explorer (seeker) group of the Multi-Nations Track – just one part of the nationwide gathering that Bridges hosted for 623 college students from 59 nations. I was in a discussion group with 4 Chinese girls. I had great conversations about sin and Jesus’ death on the cross with Iris, “Emily,” “Wendy” and “Terry.”
After Iris told me her story, it did not take long for her to tell her the other girls in our group. Emily told her congratulations and then shared how she had accepted Christ as well!

The morning before, Emily had shared with the group that she thought she had too much sin for Jesus to forgive. We had talked through how there is no limit for the amount of sin that Jesus died for. Then, in the afternoon, she went to a seminar where the speaker shared the story of Jesus forgiving the woman caught in the act of adultery. Emily cried as she shared with the group how deeply this story affected her. She told us she had prayed the prayer in the KGP, asking Jesus to forgive her for her sin. She said she felt like a weight was lifted off of her. As Emily was sharing her testimony, Wendy started weeping, and was so overcome that she left the room to compose herself. As I spoke with Wendy later, I realized that she was not yet ready to surrender her life to Christ. But God is definitely working in her heart!

Later on, it was really neat to see Iris encouraging Emily that her sins were completely forgiven. Emily had been having trouble believing that all it takes to become a Christian is putting faith in Christ (i.e. you don’t have to study the Bible for years).

Iris, on the other hand, was completely assured of her salvation. Her countenance was literally transformed. The day after Vision ended, Iris (one day old in the Lord) sent me this message “I learnt from Vision that they have the mission trip that teach Christian how to grow and spread the message to other people. They have this 2 week or 3 week-long trips in several location. I am thinking about the one in NYC.” She’s already on-mission!

Nine days later, Iris posted on Facebook: “Today is a big day for me – I received baptism at my Church. I am so thankful for my amazing friends who came all the way to support and be with me in such a snowy day. It means SO MUCH! Thank you all my Bridges friends and a bunch of the coolest people I met at the Vision conference 2015 – thank y’all for all the care and love. The moment when I came out of the water, I felt clean, fresh, light, and tons of joy. I know God is with me, and will always be.”

Pictured: Iris (center) after her baptism


I (Zack) am cutting together dozens of video recordings from Vision, evangelistic and Bible-teaching sessions like :

“Science & Belief in God: Can You Have Both?”

“Faith in the Workplace

“Biblical Sexual Identity”

We hope to reach many more students online with these recordings!

Praise Reports

•Iris and Emily, college students from China, are our two newest sisters in Christ!

Prayer Requests

•God would protect Iris spiritually and do great things through her life

•Emily would be assured that her salvation is not something she can earn

•Wendy would come to know Jesus

•Terry (who wasn’t even sure that Jesus actually existed) would read the copy of More than a Carpenter I gave her.